How Money REALLY Works

I have spent my entire adult life–and part of my childhood, from the time I started receiving an allowance of fifty cents a week–trying to understand:
—How money works
—How to have more money in my life
—And how to have a comfortable (vs. shameful, greedy or desperate) relationship with money.

I am really happy to say I’m finally understanding how money works.

And it is not the way we have been taught by our culture, religion or family.

As Sarah McCrum will tell you, we need a feminine approach to money:

Flowing yet grounded
Connected to nature
Balanced and with results

This is money showing in up our bank account so we can use it to: 

create, enjoy, make the world a better place, and provide beyond our needs.

Here is our conversation.  It's designed to whet your appetite for Sarah's full presentation at my upcoming Yin Center Inaugural Conference April 1-3, 2022.