
Gestation is one of the Powers of the Yin.

It is the innate, biological, and spiritual knowing of the feminine that growth, change and life itself is happening, even though it is invisible, out of our control, and beyond our comprehension.

And yet, nine months later, a baby is born.

We share this power and faith with Nature herself—the trees who appear dead in winter know they contain and are gestating the fruit of summer.

We know how to nourish ourselves, knowing we are nourishing another. We know that the gestational process can’t be rushed. It must happen in its own perfect timing.

We know how to partner with Mystery to create life. We are sacred vessels that know how to surrender and contain the complexity of life coming together and differentiating; molecularly, cellularly, muscles, bones, organs, skin, consciousness, entirely beyond our control and consciousness.

We know a single act of love and longing sets this miraculous creation in motion.

What is gestating within you right now?

Can you feel your knowing that life is growing, in all its complexity? Can you release to the mystery of how all the components will form themselves, connect, begin to beat, breathe and circulate, while you surrender and provide the container, and your love, faith and nourishment?

Image: LWA/Dann Tardif/Getty Images