The Power of the Yin Oracle Deck for Women

Earlier this year, a mentor I am working with challenged me to clarify what I could absolutely guarantee my clients.

Through exploring this question, a set of core principles of my work, the Power of the Yin, emerged.

Here's how the principles of my work, The Power of the Yin, first came through.

Here's how the principles of my work, The Power of the Yin, first came through.

As I have lived with these emerging principles, I am realizing they exist within a structure: a Temple of the Yin. And they describe a spiritual path: the practice of a Priestess of the Yin.

Next I realized that these principles and powers lend themselves quite naturally to an oracle deck, and allow me to marry image and word into a creative, interactive, published expression--much better than a book!

And so a beautiful project was born!

The Power of the Yin Oracle Deck:
Remember Your Source, Connect To Your Native Energy
A 58-Card Guidance & Oracle Deck for women

Each card will be a potent transmission of an archetypal Yin Power, through a full-color, original iconographic illustration, accompanied by a poetic and practical text description, with prompts for your own awakening and remembering.

I am collaborating with illustrator D. Yael Bernhard. Her work is a key inspiration for me on this project. The illustration for this post is an example of the style and energy of the images for the Power of the Yin Oracle Deck. Yael will create 58 original images for this deck. (Take a look at her art here.)

And I have begun the intimate, creative practice of putting into writing an evocative description of each Yin Power. With each session I spend with a Yin Power, feeling it flow though me, noticing the images and metaphors that present themselves, and imagining the women who will use this deck for their own remembering, awakening, and cultivating, I am moved by the aliveness I feel coming through these principles. I am loving this creative edge!

Our first steps:

  • Yael will be creating one completed illustration and two sketches, so folks can get excited by the unique and potent images of our deck.

  • We'll launch a first-round Kickstarter in January. This campaign will fund Yael’s work for the 58 original, full-color illustrations.

  • I am writing, writing, writing. I am writing on my own, and with a lovely writers’ group of two other women.

  • I am also fleshing out the budget, business and marketing plan with the amazing support of Judy Herzl, with whom I am working as a coach for this project.

I would love your support during this creation phase!
Visit this webpage for more details about the deck.
Follow my project on Instagram here: @poweroftheyinoracle.
You can pre-order a deck! $57/incl. shipping (in the US; contact me if you are outside the US). I expect to ship decks by November 2022.

Illustration: Night-Sea Spirit © D. Yael Bernhard